This article was written by June Eric Udorie, she states how the Internet and social media sites have become more and more harmful in a teenagers life. The amount of time they spend on these social networking sites such as Instagram, facebook,twitter and snapchat is overly increasing and she begins to explain how teenagers feel pressured to constantly be up to date with everything that is going on in the social media world, which this then results to teenagers loosing hours of sleep at night as they are constantly on the internet all night, as June stated "this could be damaging their sleep and increasing their risk of anxiety and depression"
In particular she states how social media is actively becoming more threatening in a teenage girls life as they want to have high number of likes and followers on their Instagram posts, have the perfect body in their pictures online, she goes on to explain how this pressure to be perfect can cause much stress for younger teenage girls and how this can ultimately lead to self harm, them getting bullied by other people and other unfortunate circumstances. The main message June tries to force is that the government have to do something before it's too late and she suggests this through PSHE classes in high school education.
Why a police record for sexting teen

This article was written by Helen Lewis, this article is about a young teenage boy who sent a naked photo of himself to a female crush which she then forwarded it to other classmates and then was passed around the whole school. This lead too the police being informed and was noted as a sexual offence, the officer had no choice but too record it to the police database, where it could be revealed to employers for the next 10 years. Hellen stated "The majority of revenge porn victims are women and there is no obvious male equivalent of the widespread “slut shaming” of teenage girls. The famous case in Steubenville was not a one-off. In 2012, 15-year-old Californian Audrie Pott killed herself after pictures of her being sexually assaulted at a party were shared around school; a year later, 17-year-old Canadian Rehtaeh Parsons did the same. Also in 2013, an Irish 17-year-old took an overdose and ended up in a coma after she was photographed performing oral sex on a boy at an Eminem concert."
the main message Helen tries to force is that the young need a better understanding of consent, making sex and relationships education compulsory in all schools would be an obvious step. And for all victims of bullying to get proper support – we cant stop stop teenagers sexting, by we can help them practise safe sext.
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