FBI could force us to turn on iPhone cameras and microphones, says Apple

The article is about how the FBI have one the case to get the San Bernardino killers iPhone 5C unlocked that could present a danger to other iPhone users and the security of their phones. The article also states that someday the Government will want Apple to allow them to turn on the camera and microphone to spy on people.
- Cue said to Univison: “Someday they will want (Apple) to turn on (a user’s) camera or microphone. We can’t do that now, but what if we’re forced to do that
- The FBI has demanded that Apple creates custom software that bypasses certain security features of the company’s iOS to allow law enforcement to brute force the pass code of the gunman’s iPhone 5C.
- But according to Apple, making the modifications necessary in this case would set a dangerous precedent in offering back doors into users’ smartphones.
- The FBI is trying to access the locked iPhone of one of the San Bernardino killers and insists it needs Apple’s due to the software protections built into iOS, which require Apple’s unique signature.
In my opinion this is not a good idea for the security of all Apple users to have their phones security reduced because of one phone. Also I find it hard to believe that the most sophisticated law enforcement company in the world is unable to access this phone with all the technology and knowledge they have at their disposal.