Friday, 11 March 2016

Weekly H/W

FBI could force us to turn on iPhone cameras and microphones, says Apple

iPhone 5c

The article is about how the FBI have one the case to get the San Bernardino killers iPhone 5C unlocked that could present a danger to other iPhone users and the security of their phones. The article also states that someday the Government will want Apple to allow them to turn on the camera and microphone to spy on people.

  • Cue said to Univison: “Someday they will want (Apple) to turn on (a user’s) camera or microphone. We can’t do that now, but what if we’re forced to do that
  • The FBI has demanded that Apple creates custom software that bypasses certain security features of the company’s iOS to allow law enforcement to brute force the pass code of the gunman’s iPhone 5C.
  • But according to Apple, making the modifications necessary in this case would set a dangerous precedent in offering back doors into users’ smartphones.
  • The FBI is trying to access the locked iPhone of one of the San Bernardino killers and insists it needs Apple’s due to the software protections built into iOS, which require Apple’s unique signature.

In my opinion this is not a good idea for the security of all Apple users to have their phones security reduced because of one phone. Also I find it hard to believe that the most sophisticated law enforcement company in the world is unable to access this phone with all the technology and knowledge they have at their disposal. 

Tuesday, 8 March 2016

Weekly H/W

Amazon stops encryption on Fire tablets, leaving data vulnerable to attack
Previous versions of Amazon’s operating system allowed consumers to encrypt their device’s storage.

The article is about how Amazon'ds new update has gotten rid of encryption on their tables, media devices and the Kindle. This means that personal data is now at a much higher risk and could cause problems for users. The change comes in the form of an update to Amazon's OS that got rid of it with Amazob confirming it.

  • Amazon has quietly removed the ability to encrypt data stored on its Fire tablets, streaming media devices and Kindle e-readers
  • latest update to the Fire OS operating software
  • The change, which has been confirmed by Amazon
  • “In the fall when we released Fire OS 5, we removed some enterprise features that we found customers weren’t using,

In my opinion this is a stupid idea and cannot be justified by Amazon as encryption of files should be the choice of the user to allow them to keep their files safe from things like hackers. By getting rid of this ability Amazon could potentially lose a lot of customers.

Startup pitches anti-drone launcher as answer to rogue UAVs
SkyWall drone capture system launcher from OpenWorks Engineering

The article is about how a new device allows the safe capture of drones that have gone rouge. The device shoots a net at the drones and captures them safely and without any damage to the drone itself. The company is based in Northumberland and made these to give authorities a way to capture drones that may be flying in sensitive areas or have lost control all together.

  • The launcher weighs 10kg
  • can fire almost silently at drones up to 100m away
  • reloading in 8 seconds
In my opinion this is a good idea as drones are so easy to pick up nowadays that they can be used by anyone to do things that other people may not like. With the arrival of this launcher it means that these things will be prevented and also shows the advancements in technology.

Weekly H/W

Smartwatches that allow pupils to 'cheat' in exams for sale on Amazon


The article is about how a smartwatch is being sold on Amazon that allows students to cheat on tests by storing notes and pictures on it and can quickly change back to a clock screen with an emergency button.

  •  It is perfect for covertly viewing exam notes directly on your wrist, by storing text and pictures
  • I expect the hidden market for these sorts of devices is significant
  • 4GB of memory, was offered on the website for £44.95

In my opinion this shows how technology has come so far that we can now use our watches to cheat on tests. It shows that technology has many uses and we will continue finding new uses for it in the future even more complicated than this one.

US agency reaches 'holy grail' of battery storage sought by Elon Musk and Gates

Dr. Ellen Williams (right), director of Arpa-E: ‘We want power to be easy.’

The article is about how a US agency has managed to create a new battery that will allow America to change its national grid in 5-10 years. The battery has been woked on by Bill Gates and Elon Musk but were both beaten to it by Arpa-E. This is the company that made the battery and will give it to the public.
  • Arpa-E was founded in 2009
  •  Such projects, or so-called moonshots, were widely seen as too risky for regular investors, but – if they succeed – could potentially be game-changing.
  •  But the biggest breakthrough is in the area of energy storage
 In my opinion I think that this is a good idea and could solve a lot of problems for a lot of people. It is Breakthrough that has been a long time coming but is finally here and could cause massive changes for the better in the future. 

Independent NDM Case Study - Media Magazine

Magazines/ Academic papers ~

  • Christopher Budd surveys the democratising effects of technological change on the music industry, and “concludes that there’s never been a better time to launch a career as an unsigned artist”
  • “it became obvious that the internet offers a perfect way for artists to distribute music”
  • “artists could use the same technology to promote and distribute their own music”
  • Gangnam style; 
  • Darren Zook of University of California, Berkeley, has a unique outlook and perspective on Gangnam Fever. 
  • “This is not a revolution” he says. He isn’t talking about Gangnam Style‘s massive viral explosion, Psy’s current presence across US and other international media landscapes, or about the rising awareness of Korea as a producer of quality cultural goods.
  • This is about social critique in Korean pop music, and how Psy is sadly not sufficient to furthering its presence in the Korean pop culture media landscape.
  • Costume changes are frequent, showing the stars in the latest styles and sexy clothing. 
  • its sense of humour but also its recognisable conventions and iconography.  As discussed, it uses many of the conventions of the traditional pop video from choreographed dance scenes to the cutting to the beat editing before the chorus kicks in.
  • Aided by social media, Psy has become an international superstar. Like the Harlem Shake videos that have followed it, expect more silly dances to take the world by storm in the future


K-pop and the role of race in the Western music industry 

  • largely one of music made by black musicians being appropriated by white musicians for a mainstream audience. 
  • Meanwhile music made by black artists was often side-lined into subcultures and specialist genres.
  • particularly as hip hop has come to play an increasingly prominent role in the mainstream industry, more and more black artists have had massive success and become icons of popular culture through their music.
  • With the obvious exception of PSY, Asian and Asian American artists have been almost completely absent from the charts. 
  • Even when they are successful they tend to take a backseat to the music in order to get ahead. 
  • Take for example, Far East Movement, probably the most successful Asian American act of the past few years
  • For K-pop idols trying to break into America, the problem is double fold. Not only do they have to successfully portray this image despite the huge negative stereotypes they face, they also run risk that this new image could jeopardise their existing fanbase.
  • Being put in the spotlight and expected to communicate in a language in which you are not fluent …. Girls’ Generation have 2 fluent English speakers when discussing their ability to make it in the States. But the other side of that are the 7 non-English speaking members.

Korea, Westernisation & Globalisation: The Future of Music?

  • Similar sounding music but different language 
  • Same conventions of music, 
  • a western outlook on the how the artist dress and look (chains and half naked girls)
  • America’s Heartland in the Age of Globalism, “[Globalization] has the power to remake societies” (2008).

The Evolution of the Music Industry in the Post Internet Era -

  • The Internet, among other technological advances, led to a full-scale restructuring of the landscape.
  • In what follows, I will briefly review “the original blueprint of the recording industry and live music business, primary technologies involved in bringing about the transformation”
  • some legal background before delving deeper into the events during the first dozen years of the millennium and the implications of post-Internet music business.
  • “Starting with the introduction of digital, as opposed to analog, formats in the 1980s, technological advances began to break down the previously rigid infrastructure of the recording industry”.
  • “By the end of the 20th century, broadband capacity had also entered a period of unbelievable growth contributing to lower prices from Internet providers, and thus more users.”
  • Members of the entertainment industry were interested in this technology, but feared that people would easily be able to get around their security to illegally download video and audio files. 
  • As a result, they hoped to pass legislation that would prohibit the circumvention of the security technology.
  • The Apple Music, or iTunes, Store was launched in April 2003 allowing Mac users to purchase songs for 99¢ each and albums for $9.99 without any subscription fee. At its opening, the store featured an extensive library of 200,000 tracks that would only rapidly expand as it continued to thrive.
  • Social media giants Facebook and Twitter not only serve as a useful tool for hopeful musicians to connect with fans, but their enormous network also creates the opportunity to develop “buzz” around a new artist or, even more effective, have a song or video spread virally.

Weekly H/W

Windows 10 update deletes some programs without alerting users


The article is about how a Windows 10 update from November deletes some programmes on users computers without alerting users that it is doing so. The big updates for Windows 10 isn't what causes this and deletes them if they are causing crashes frequently on the computer.
  • if the program is known to cause crashes or bugs, Windows might remove them during the update to keep everything running smoothly.
  • Windows doesn't tell you it's removed the program - a screen comes up after the update assuring you that "all your files are exactly where you left them," but this might not be the case.
  • The issue has been known since November
In my opinion this is an example of how software updates can cause serious problems for users and that even the most prestigious companies such as Microsoft can have these problems. However the problem has been know since November and has not been fixed by Microsoft shows a lack of caring for users.

Apple launches ‘Support’ Twitter account, allowing people to tweet at it

The article is about how Apple has launched a new Twitter account that can is used specifically for support to Apple users and allows them to Tweet any problems they may have or directly message them in order to get support for the problem in question.

  • Apple has launched an official Twitter account to allow people to tweet at it with their problems.
  • The company doesn’t run an official Twitter feed, instead offering individual ones for each service
  • The @AppleSupport account is tweeting tips and tricks for Apple devices, as well as responding to questions from users

In my opinion this shows how new and digital media gives user many ways now to contact big companies and get answers. This example shows how social media is used for many different things other than just using it to post opinion and updates on what you are doing. It is used for many things like news and now even techc support.