Tuesday, 8 March 2016

Weekly H/W

Windows 10 update deletes some programs without alerting users


The article is about how a Windows 10 update from November deletes some programmes on users computers without alerting users that it is doing so. The big updates for Windows 10 isn't what causes this and deletes them if they are causing crashes frequently on the computer.
  • if the program is known to cause crashes or bugs, Windows might remove them during the update to keep everything running smoothly.
  • Windows doesn't tell you it's removed the program - a screen comes up after the update assuring you that "all your files are exactly where you left them," but this might not be the case.
  • The issue has been known since November
In my opinion this is an example of how software updates can cause serious problems for users and that even the most prestigious companies such as Microsoft can have these problems. However the problem has been know since November and has not been fixed by Microsoft shows a lack of caring for users.

Apple launches ‘Support’ Twitter account, allowing people to tweet at it

The article is about how Apple has launched a new Twitter account that can is used specifically for support to Apple users and allows them to Tweet any problems they may have or directly message them in order to get support for the problem in question.

  • Apple has launched an official Twitter account to allow people to tweet at it with their problems.
  • The company doesn’t run an official Twitter feed, instead offering individual ones for each service
  • The @AppleSupport account is tweeting tips and tricks for Apple devices, as well as responding to questions from users

In my opinion this shows how new and digital media gives user many ways now to contact big companies and get answers. This example shows how social media is used for many different things other than just using it to post opinion and updates on what you are doing. It is used for many things like news and now even techc support. 

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